The compartments are labeled anterior (volar), posterior (dorsal) and the
Figure 2 Cross section of a forearm. Palm up.
The anterior compartment of the forearm is also known as flexor compartment
Since the arm consists of four fascial compartments (see diagram above),
Nerves of the Anterior & Posterior Compartments of the Arm
On the human body, the limbs can be divided into segments, such as the arm
An illustration that depicts measurement of compartment pressures in the
Consisting of a vacuum-formed relief template of the human forearm,
Compartment syndrome results in ischaemia of the tissues.
As the cursor is moved over a particular compartment of the arm or the
Incisions for Compartment Syndrome of Forearm and Hand
Posterior Compartment of the Forearm: Arteries and Nerves
Closed fracture of the forearm in the middle-thir.
Incisions for Compartment Syndrome of Forearm and Hand
relieve flexion of the elbow if the forearm is involved. apply traction for
Muscles and Fascial Compartments of the forearm
Muscles and Fascial Compartments of the forearm
Common causes of compartment syndrome include tibial or forearm fractures,
In cross-section the forearm can be divided into two fascial compartments.
Photograph of dissected anterior compartment of the forearm showing the 2